do the 10 mg vicodin have to have a v on them

do the 10 mg vicodin have to have a v on them
Trying to stop taking vicodin... how do I.DRMLshows ah benzodiazepine derivative drug. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative, skeletal muscle relaxant, and amnestic propertiesIT It is
About 2 years ago I was in a car accident that led my doctor to prescribe vicodin for me. I feel I am addicted and after many attempts at not taking vicodin I do not
How do I stop taking Vicodin to limit the.
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you are totally wrong and an f ing drug addict i take tramadol and have been for 7 yrs now with no major side effects for my periferal neuropathy and it has been a
03.09.2008 · Best Answer: Vicodin is able to have refills. I have had this problem before, mine was due to the way the doctor wrote the script, it was written for 30 Forums - Powered by.
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do the 10 mg vicodin have to have a v on them
Help pharmacy wont let me have my vicodin.
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